string.Format 输入字符串的格式不正确

.Net技术 码拜 10年前 (2014-10-30) 3309次浏览 0个评论



C# 中使用类似 {0}, {1:yyyy-MM-dd} 这样的格式占位符,如果被格式化字符串本身包含 { 或者 } 怎么办呢?答案是:用两个 { 或者 }连写表示单个。

string str1 = String.Format(“{{Hello}}, {0}, Now is {{{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}}”,
DateTime.Now); // {Hello}, Jinglecat, Now is {2007-07-18 23:06:35}
string str2 = String.Format(“{Hello}, {0}, Now is {{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}}”,
DateTime.Now); // –> System.FormatException: 输入字符串的格式不正确。

C#  中,当字符串常量带 @  前导的时候,用两个 ” 连写表示一个 ” (半角双引号)
string str3 = @”My UserName is “”Jinglecat””.”// My UserName is “Jinglecat”.
//string str4 = @”My UserName’s “Jinglecat””; // error CS1002: 应输入 ;
//string str5 = @”My UserName’s \”Jinglecat\””; // error CS1002: 应输入 ;
SQL 字符串常量,用两个 ’ 连写表示一个 ’ (半角单引号)
DECLARE @str6 varchar(100)
SET @str6 = ‘My UserName is ‘‘Jinglecat’‘.’
PRINT @str6 – My UserName is ‘Jinglecat’.
正则表达式中用,两个 $ 连写表示一个 $  (dollar)
二、String Formatting in C#

基本内容是:可以在 Console.WriteLine(以及 String.Format,它被 Console.WriteLine 调用)中的格式字符串内的括号中放入非索引数字的内容。格式规范的完整形式如下:

{index [, width][:formatstring]}

其中,index 是此格式程序引用的格式字符串之后的参数,从零开始计数;width(如果有的话)是要设置格式的字段的宽度(以空格计)。width 取正数表示结果右对齐,取负数则意味着数字在字段中左对齐。(请参阅下面的前两个示例。)

formatstring 是可选项,其中包含有关设置类型格式的格式说明。如果对象实现 IFormattableformatstring 就会传递给对象的 Format 方法(在 Beta 2 和后续版本中,该方法的签名变为 ToString(string, IFormatProvider),但功能不变)。如果对象不实现IFormattable,就会调用 Object.ToString(),而忽略 formatstring

另请注意,在 Beta 1 中不区分当前语言的 ToString 在 Beta 2 和后续版本中“将”区分语言。例如,对于用“.”分隔千位,用“,”分隔小数的国家,1,234.56 将会格式化成 1.234,56。如果您需要结果无论在什么语言下都是一样的,就请使用CultureInfo.InvariantCulture 作为语言。

若要获取有关格式的完整信息,请查阅“.NET 框架开发人员指南”中的格式概述(英文)

例如:String.Format(“[{0,-10:0##.#0}]“, 14)=”[014.00    ]“;-10表示左对齐,总共占10位,不够了补空字符。


There really isn’t any formatting within a strong, beyond it’s alignment. Alignment works for any argument being printed in a String.Format call.

Sample Generates
String.Format(”->{1,10}<-”, “Hello”); -> Hello<-
String.Format(”->{1,-10}<-”, “Hello”); ->Hello <-


Basic number formatting specifiers:

Specifier Type Format Output (Passed Double 1.42) Output (Passed Int -12400)
c Currency {0:c} $1.42 -$12,400
d Decimal (Whole number) {0:d} System.FormatException -12400
e Scientific {0:e} 1.420000e+000 -1.240000e+004
f Fixed point {0:f} 1.42 -12400.00
g General {0:g} 1.42 -12400
n Number with commas for thousands {0:n} 1.42 -12,400
r Round trippable {0:r} 1.42 System.FormatException
x Hexadecimal {0:x4} System.FormatException cf90


Custom number formatting:

Specifier Type Example Output (Passed Double 1500.42) Note
0 Zero placeholder {0:00.0000} 1500.4200 Pads with zeroes.
# Digit placeholder {0:(#).##} (1500).42
. Decimal point {0:0.0} 1500.4
, Thousand separator {0:0,0} 1,500 Must be between two zeroes.
,. Number scaling {0:0,.} 2 Comma adjacent to Period scales by 1000.
% Percent {0:0%} 150042% Multiplies by 100, adds % sign.
e Exponent placeholder {0:00e+0} 15e+2 Many exponent formats available.
; Group separator see below

The group separator is especially useful for formatting currency values which require that negative values be enclosed in parentheses. This currency formatting example at the bottom of this document makes it obvious:


如果相应的数字是前导零或尾随零,“#”字符就会替换为空值。无论相应数字的值如何,“0”字符都会被替换为零字符 — 因此,数字将会被零填补。句号(如果有的话)表示小数分隔符的位置。

那么,为什么要同时使用这些字母,比如“###0.##”? 如果要设置格式的值恰好为零,“#” 图片字符就被替换为“无”(连零字符也不是)。您可能“总是”希望在小数点的左边至少有一个“0”,否则,如果值为零,字段就没有输出。换言之,仅包含 “#”字符,一个“0”也没有的格式常被认为是一个编程错误。





Note that date formatting is especially dependant on the system’s regional settings; the example strings here are from my local locale.

Specifier Type Example (Passed System.DateTime.Now)
d Short date 10/12/2002
D Long date December 10, 2002
t Short time 10:11 PM
T Long time 10:11:29 PM
f Full date & time December 10, 2002 10:11 PM
F Full date & time (long) December 10, 2002 10:11:29 PM
g Default date & time 10/12/2002 10:11 PM
G Default date & time (long) 10/12/2002 10:11:29 PM
M Month day pattern December 10
r RFC1123 date string Tue, 10 Dec 2002 22:11:29 GMT
s Sortable date string 2002-12-10T22:11:29
u Universal sortable, local time 2002-12-10 22:13:50Z
U Universal sortable, GMT December 11, 2002 3:13:50 AM
Y Year month pattern December, 2002

The ‘U’ specifier seems broken; that string certainly isn’t sortable.

Custom date formatting:

Specifier Type Example Example Output
dd Day {0:dd} 10
ddd Day name {0:ddd} Tue
dddd Full day name {0:dddd} Tuesday
f, ff, … Second fractions {0:fff} 932
gg, … Era {0:gg} A.D.
hh 2 digit hour {0:hh} 10
HH 2 digit hour, 24hr format {0:HH} 22
mm Minute 00-59 {0:mm} 38
MM Month 01-12 {0:MM} 12
MMM Month abbreviation {0:MMM} Dec
MMMM Full month name {0:MMMM} December
ss Seconds 00-59 {0:ss} 46
tt AM or PM {0:tt} PM
yy Year, 2 digits {0:yy} 02
yyyy Year {0:yyyy} 2002
zz Timezone offset, 2 digits {0:zz} -05
zzz Full timezone offset {0:zzz} -05:00
: Separator {0:hh:mm:ss} 10:43:20
/ Separator {0:dd/MM/yyyy} 10/12/2002


Specifier Type
g Default (Flag names if available, otherwise decimal)
f Flags always
d Integer always
x Eight digit hex.

Some Useful Examples

String.Format(”{0:$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00);Zero}”, value);

This will output “$1,240.00″ if passed 1243.50. It will output the same format but in parentheses if the number is negative, and will output the string “Zero” if the number is zero.

String.Format(”{0:(###) ###-####}”, 8005551212);

This will output “(800) 555-1212″.

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